Campus Ministry

Our Newman Hall is always open for our students to spend time together, study, and grow in their faith. Our campus ministry program, Mountaineer Catholic, sponsors weekly formational and recreational events for our students such as Bible studies, Dinner for a Dollar, movie nights, prayer groups, and various socials. Students are encouraged to attend daily Mass and make frequent use of the Sacrament of Confession.  Spring and Fall semester retreats also help our students take time out of their busy school schedule to deepen their relationship with Christ. Contact our campus minister, Colleen Criste, for more information on our campus ministry!

We look forward to adoring and serving our Lord with you.

Meet Our Campus Minister!

Hello! My name is Colleen Criste, and I am the Director of Programs and Development for Campus Ministry for St. John University Parish, also known as Mountaineer Catholic, on the campus of WVU!  

A little about me: I am married to my husband Dan, and we have 8 beautiful children and a big German Shepherd named Sarge. We relocated to West Virginia from Virginia four years ago. 

Growing up, I spent many summers visiting my aunt, uncle, and cousins in Morgantown. My uncle, Dr. Ruel Foster, was a professor and chairperson for the English Department at WVU. One of my favorite memories from childhood was riding the PRT downtown with my cousin Paul and sitting in the stands at the Coliseum for a WVU basketball game. 

I love Jesus and coffee, and food of all kinds; the spicier the better! I enjoy all things outdoors: hiking, kayaking, swimming, skiing, tennis…but not camping. I’m more of a glamper. 

I also love to travel, and I love to laugh!  Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit! If you can make me laugh, we’ll be friends for life! 

I have been known to pray spontaneously in public and I’m a very good listener. It is not uncommon for random people to share their life stories with me. 

My office door is always open to welcome and to serve the emotional and spiritual needs of the students I work with.  

Feel free to stop by and say “Hello!” I look forward to meeting you! 

Mountaineer Catholic is a Home Away from Home for our Students!

Our students grow in their Faith through opportunities such as Bible Studies, retreats, pilgrimages, speaker nights, All-Night Adoration, etc.

Our Campus Ministry Program Makes a Difference on the WVU Campus!

Mountaineer Catholic is recognized by the University as an active presence on WVU’s campus.

Authentic Friendship is Important to Us!

We promote fun activities for the students, such as bonfires, hiking days, Square Dancing Night or Swing Dancing Nights, in order that the students may get to know each other and spend time with each other to form good, healthy friendships rooted in the Catholic Faith.

Square Dance Night


Mountaineer Catholic is blessed to partner with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) as we serve the Catholic students at WVU in campus ministry. FOCUS is a national outreach that invites college students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship and friendships in which they lead others to do the same. Each year, teams of FOCUS missionaries are sent to college campuses at the invitation of the local bishop and with the support of the local Catholic campus ministry. They help change lives on campus and have been doing an amazing job here at WVU!

Interested in getting involved in a FOCUS Bible Study? Check out more info at