Traditional Latin Mass

Sacred Music and Liturgy

“In obedience, therefore, to her Founder’s behest, the Church prolongs the priestly mission of Jesus Christ mainly by means of the sacred liturgy. She does this in the first place at the altar, where constantly the Sacrifice of the Cross is represented and with a single difference in the manner of its offering, renewed. She does it next by means of the Sacraments, those special channels through which men are made partakers in the supernatural life. She does it, finally, by offering to God, all Good and Great, the daily tribute of her prayer of praise.” – Mediator Dei 3, Pope Pius XII

“In the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, a minister of the holies and of the true tabernacle; we sing a hymn to the Lord’s glory with all the warriors of the heavenly army; venerating the memory of the saints, we hope for some part and fellowship with them; we eagerly await the Saviour, Our Lord Jesus Christ, until He, our life, shall appear and we too will appear with Him in glory.” – The Second Vatican Council, Sacrosanctum concilium 8

Sacred Music at St. John’s

Music has been revealed as the language of the Angels, heard by prophets from the time of Isaiah to the Book of Revelation.  Under the patronage of St. Cecilia, St. Gregory the Great, and St. Hildegard of Bingen, we explore the music that has developed out of the Holy Mass over many centuries and, thusly return it to its proper place at the throne of God.  When you join our musical ensembles, your musical prayers are offered with the Saints and Angels who worship in eternity at His feet! There is ample opportunity for singers and instrumentalists, adults and children to give glory to our Blessed Lord in the Holy Mass which is that sweet moment where heaven meets earth.  Join us!

Masterworks Chorale ~ Tuesdays 7:05p 8:30p
Our largest choir which specializes in large works by the master composers:

Mozart, Handel, Bach, Thomas Tallis, and others.

Schola Cantorum ~ An extension of the Masterworks Chorale
A’cappella singers who explore Gregorian chant and polyphonic music of the

medieval and renaissance periods.

Holy Innocents Youth Chorus ~ Tuesdays 4:00p 4:45pm
Choir 1 – ages 5 – 9,  Choir A – ages 10 – 16.  Roots God’s children in glorious music of the Roman Catholic tradition!

Chamber Orchestra ~ Tuesdays 6:00p  7:00p (time may shift various weeks)
We invite those who play an orchestral instrument to elevate the liturgy, and have your music heard at the throne of God with all of the Saints and Angels!

If you are interested in being a cantor or joining one of the choirs at St. John University Parish, please click the button above and we will get back to you soon. We look forward to hearing from you!

Get involved…

If you are willing to serve the parish in a particular way, we are always looking for:

    1. Lectors
    2. Porters
    3. Sacristans

To join any of our liturgical or charitable ministries, please click the Ministry Schedule Button. From there, you can sign up for your desired ministry.

For current ministers, the schedule can also be found by clicking the button.

Grow Deeper In Your Knowledge of the Mass!

Available here is a PowerPoint Presentation on the Mass that Fr. Brian, our Pastor, offered as part of his (re)Learn the Mass series. Learn to pray the Mass better!

Ever wondered what the vestments a Priest wears mean? Why do we say, “And with your spirit?” What is the meaning behind the incense? Learn about the Mass in this Presentation!